Sunday, January 30, 2011

Coconut Milk Rice Pudding

This is the recipe I started out with to make a breakfast cereal.   "It' tastes like a comfort food," my husband said and I heartily agree.  Keep some cooked brown rice in the refrigerator so you can make it quickly.  My favorite rice for this is the sweet brown rice because it is sticky.  I also use coconut cream because I like the thickness.

Lychee coconut rice pudding

Coconut Milk Rice Pudding

    1 16 oz can of Coconut milk
    2 cups of cooked rice (brown or white)
    sweetener, your choice, enough to sweeten the milk
    1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Put liquid ingredients in a saucepan and heat until warm or until sweetener dissolves.  Add the rice and cook on medium until it becomes the consistency you like. 

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