Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yummy Flat Bread from Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen

I think my new favorite grain is teff (an Ethiopian grain that is gluten free).  This recipe has a mixture of sorghum (a gluten free grain grown in Africa and Asia) and teff.  For some of the ingredients I had to make substitutions.  If you don't have arrowroot powder you can use tapioca starch (flour).  I also cannot have corn products so xanthan gum is out for me.  I used guar gum (a thickener from the guar bean) instead.  Honey is also out  so I replaced it wth agave nectar.  All of these ingredients make for a delicious flat bread with no eggs, no dairy, no refined sugar, and no gluten.  I tend to carried away and eat the whole pan because it tastes so good.  My kids have liked it for toast and my husband said, "It just tastes like bread." Follow this link for the recipe.  Whole Grain Flat Bread

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