Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teff Pancakes YUMMY!

I tried the teff pancakes from The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen this morning and they are so yummy!  I have a son home with a sore throat so he was my guinea pig too.  He loved them.  I was doing the happy dance inside.  I gave this plate in the picture to my mom, who lives with us, and she thought they were amazing especially because it has all of the stuff she can eat (needless-to-say I am my mother's daughter and we have similar food issues).  The pancakes definitely stick to your ribs because I still feel full.  Make sure you follow all of the directions so they turn out.  I did substitute the applesauce for the bananas and topped it with coconut cream and blueberry syrup Enjoy!


  1. I not only made these (loved them--two thumbs up!) but also tried the yummy recipe for teff porridge with dates and honey on the back of the Bob's Red Mill bag. I am definitely a teff fan.

  2. I'm going to have to try the teff porridge. It sounds great!
